Can Lactose Intolerance Cause Weight Gain

by Sam Malone

Some people believe that lactose intolerance is connected to gaining weight or a lactose weight gain as some would call it. This claim however has not been substantiated or proved, experts suggest otherwise instead. Let us first look at what makes people lactose intolerant. Milk and milk based products contain the sugar lactose, which when ingested is broken down further into two simpler sugars called glucose and galactose, with the help of an enzyme the body creates known as lactase. People who are lactose intolerant produce either very less or not enough amounts of lactase needed to digest lactose. This results in the lactose remaining in the digestive system and undergoing fermentation with the bacteria present.

The lack of digestive enzymes has not been known to cause weight gain. It is rather what you eat to substitute milk and milk products that could lead to adding on the calories. The reasons of weight gain needs to be looked at more closely; it could be because of the increase of the intake of energy-giving nutrients each day like carbohydrates, fats and proteins, that is needed to sustain the cellular functioning of the body. These proteins and carbohydrates convert to fats, which are stored in the adipose tissue. These fats need to be burned or reduced, which can be by balancing your calorie intake or exercising.

Dairy allergies and weight gain is not likely linked mainly because the body isn't producing enough lactase to break down the lactose, which means it directly passes on to the large intestines, where bacteria try and break it down to convert it o energy causing some the typical lactose intolerant symptoms like bloating and gas.

Dairy products and milk actually contain more calories, which is why people opt for low-fat milk and milk products. If you have had to eliminate or reduce the amounts of lactose ingested, then you’re automatically cutting down on additional calories. Milk has calcium which is much needed for the bones to strengthen and develop. There are substitute foods that offer calcium that can be had, if you are lactose intolerant.

Here are some home remedies for lactose intolerance and weight gain:

  • Diet: Calcium can be gained through different foods like broccoli, oranges, sardines, tofu, green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried cooked beans, sesame seed products, dried, apricots, canned salmon, rhubarb, spinach and calcium fortified products like breads and juices. Milk also contains vitamin D so if you don’t have any milk products, make sure you make eggs a regular part of a diet. Liver and yoghurt also have good amounts of vitamin D. Opt for soy milk instead of normal cow’s milk. Include yoghurt in your day to day diet, even though yoghurt is high in lactose content, it contains bacterial cultures that create the required digestive enzyme lactase that is needed for digestion.
  • Exercise: Brisk walk at least 30 minutes a day or you can choose to work out in the gym. Exercising will help you stay healthy and burn off those unwanted calories.
  • Cocoa Powder: Research has shown that cocoa or chocolate powders can help the body digest lactose. It slows the pace at which stomach empties. So the slower your stomach empties, the lesser lactose enters the stomach at one time. This process results in fewer symptoms of lactose intolerance.
  • Hard Cheese: Is better than soft cheese as harder the cheese, the lower the lactose content. Cheeses like Colby, Swiss and Cheddar are better than spreadable and soft cheese.
By following these simple remedies, you can keep your lactose levels at its lowest, while getting enough of the nutrients from calcium and vitamin substitutes and keeping the calories off.



Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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