Does an onion help a decubitus ulcer?

I am afraid I have no information on whether onions are helpful for decubitus ulcers or pressure ulcers. I can however suggest some alternative natural remedies to help with the problem. Pressure ulcers usually occur in people who are bedridden, paralyzed or immobile due to any other reason. In such cases, the caretaker will have to take responsibility for most of the measures outlined beneath:

  • Change the position of the patient frequently to avoid putting pressure on one area continuously
  • A ripple mattress will help improve blood circulation
  • Cushions or pillows can act as aids in changing or maintaining positions
  • Exercise parts of the body manually when voluntary movement is not possible. Try and get the patient physiotherapy
  • Keep skin dry and maintain good hygiene
  • A bed pan may be used in case of incontinence. In case of accidents that lead to soiling, the sheets must be changed to avoid infecting existing sores.
  • The diet must be nutritious and must contain adequate levels of protein
  • Supplementation of Vitamin C and zinc may help with wound healing

In as far as voluntary movement is possible, the affected person should change positions frequently. A caretaker will need to be attentive to the needs of someone who cannot move voluntarily or is unable to communicate his/her needs effectively.

answered by S E

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