Natural Treatment For Syrigoma: What Home Remedy Do You Recommend For Syrigoma (Little Bumps Under Eyes)?

Alternative Cure for Bumps Under Eyes

Syringomas are small benign (non-cancerous) bumps present under the eye or upper cheeks. They are caused by overgrowth of sweat glands and are completely harmless. They are evenly distributed in both sides of the body and usually occur in clusters. Syringomas are usally associated with Down's syndrome as 80 % of the people with this syndrome experience syringomas. Syringomas are completely harmless and they don't itch or cause any pain. Usually syringomas can not be cured by home remedies and needs medical attention if you want to get rid of these bumps. Treatment options for a specialist would include a skin biopsy, burning them with an electric needle (cauterization), cutting out with a sharp and flexible razor blade, scissor or scalpel, CO2 laser treatment, freezing with nitrogen or a procedure to rub out the lesion. With all these modes of treatment there is a high risk of skin scaring. Ideally no treatment is necessary as it is a harmless and benign condition. But cosmetically if they bother you, you can hide them easily using foundations matching your skin color. Report any new skin changes or skin growth to a specialist to rule out any possibilities and don't try to scratch or cut these bumps with any sharp instrument at home.

answered by Dr S

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