Natural Treatment for Moles
The perfect remedy to remove moles is to soak a cotton ball or a clean sterilized piece of gauze roughly the size of the mole in a blend of baking soda and castor oil. To make the paste take a teaspoon of baking soda and one teaspoon of castor oil and mix it well. Let the gauze soak in this paste and use it to place it over the mole. Let the gauze stay on the mole overnight or for 12 hours. You will notice considerable decrease in the size of the mole over night. Continue to apply this potion on the mole every night till the mole disappears. It is known to show remarkable results in reducing the recurrence of moles. For every preparation prepare a fresh batch of the baking soda and castor oil preparation and make sure that you always take equal quantities or proportions of the ingredients when making this paste.
Warts or moles are manifestations of a deficiency in potassium. A long term treatment to ensure that moles are permanently prevented would be to consume foods that are rich in potassium. A diet replete with potassium enriched foods and vegetables is the best answer to get rid of moles and warts forever.
answered by K C