Vaginal infection home remedy
To maintain the vaginal flora do not attempt to cleanse within the vagina. Al kinds of deodorants or perfumed soaps must be stayed away from. The vaginal region maintains the delicate flora of the body and using any of the above ingredients will only result in stripping the vagina of its natural elements that controls the fungus.
Increase the amount of garlic in your foods. A diet rich with bananas and yoghurt is also helpful in cleansing out the yeast from within. The intake of green leafy vegetables and varied such vegetables contain digestive enzymes that play an important role in maintaining the body balance. Diet plays a very important role in keeping the candidasis yeast under check.
In a bathtub add half a cup of salt and half a cup of vinegar. Fill the tub with warm tepid water. Sit in the water with the knees apart and let the water do the cleansing. Sit in the water till at such a time that the water begins to feel cool. Usually after a menstruation cycle, the yeast tends to grow more than usual. During such times wear loose clothing and preferably skin friendly fabric such as cotton panties. Plastic, polyester are harbingers of the infection and should be kept away at an arm’s length.
answered by C B