my stepson has white spots on back of neck and head and on his back how do you get rid of them

Leucoderma is a skin condition in which there is a discontinued production of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for the color of the skin. This results in white spots and patches on various areas of the skin. Melanin is produced by body cells called melanocytes. In leucoderma, these cells are destroyed and as such there is a loss of melanin in the skin. This skin condition usually starts out with tiny pale spots, which then merge and form larger patches that are white in color. In rare cases, the entire body becomes covered with white patches.

The cause of leucoderma is unknown but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system of the body fights against its own cells and tissues. The defense response of the body leads to the production of certain proteins called cytokines which attack and destroy the melanocytes. This condition is also known to run in families, suggesting that it may be passed on by a genetic trait. Other factors that are thought to trigger leucoderma are stress and anxiety, increased sun exposure, or any skin related trauma and illnesses.

There are certain dietary changes and natural remedies that help to deal with the condition of leucoderma. Indulging in fresh fruits juices for a couple of days, so that all toxins in the body are eliminated is a good way of initiating any treatment process. After a few days of being on a liquid diet, your son should consume fruits and raw vegetables. Then progress to a healthy and balanced diet of whole grains, fresh vegetables and fruits, pulses and plenty of water. Turmeric is known to be effective in treating the white patches caused by leucoderma. You can soak turmeric in water and allow it to stay overnight. The next day, boil the water for a few minutes and strain it. Add mustard oil and boil again, until only the oil is remaining. This can then be applied to the affected areas of the skin. A paste of radish seeds applied to the white patches is also beneficial in treating leucoderma. It also prevents the further progression of the condition. You can take thirty grams of radish seeds and grind it to a powder. Add a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and mix into a smooth paste. This can be applied to the white spots. Application of a paste of holy basil leaves is also known to be helpful in treating leucoderma. The white discoloration may also be alleviated by rubbing the affected areas with a paste of mashed ginger leaves.

answered by G M

The white spots or patches present on the skin are called as leucoderma and the condition without any diseases is called as vitilgo. The skin loses its color and form spots which increase in size and become white patches which may look depressing.The loss of color of the skin is due to loss of melanin, the pigment that provides dark color to the skin. These patches can spread slowly in the body. This is not an infectious or contagious disease.Leucoderma occurs due to stress, heredity, worms, burns, typhoid and hepatic disorder like jaundice.

Tips that can be considered to avoid leucoderma are:-

  • A regimen can be followed for reducing leucoderma. The patient can have only fresh juice for few days so that the toxin present can be flushed out of the body. Gradually, a shift of consuming fresh fruits, raw and steamed vegetables can be considered. Then the patient can have well balanced diet consisting of grains, pulses, fruits and vegetables and water. Milk and curd can be introduced later.
  • Pound 500 Gms of turmeric and mix it in 8 liters of water overnight. Boil the water continuously till the solution gets reduced to 1 liter. Strain and mix it with 500 ml of mustard oil. Boil until the oil is left behind. Strain the oil and apply the oil on the patches.
  • Powder 35 grams of radish seeds and mix it with 2 teaspoon vinegar. Apply this paste on the spots.
  • Eat figs regularly for one month in the morning.
  • Clean and wash a Basil plant with its roots. Beat the plant and mix it with 500 ml water and 500 ml oil. Boil the mixture till the water gets evaporated. Mash the plant in the oil and strain it to remove any residue. Apply this oil on the affected area.

answered by J M

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