Can goiter cause sterility

Although there is no scientific evidence linking sterility to goitre definitively, is has been observed by many scientific communities that women who have goitre do have difficulties conceiving. In some cases, there has also been the problem of not being able to conceive. A definite link has been found between the occurrence of goitre in women and heavy menstrual bleeding. This will occur when the person affected with goitre is very young in age. There have also been recorded cases of women who have goitre suffering from highly irregular periods. This is also a known contributor for difficulty in conceiving.

However, sterility and difficulty in conceiving are not quite the same thing. It is important for you to know that if you are having problems with conception and also have goitre, there is a proper treatment available for this. You can actually control your iodine production with medications, bring your levels of goitre to a minimum and will easily be able to conceive thereafter. You can also make some simple additions to your diet that can help you in controlling iodine production in your body. The best thing to do would be to start cooking in coconut oil. Intake of coconut oil is a very effective way to treat goitre.

answered by M W

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