Treatment for Skin Rashes
Erythemam multiforme appears as a red rash on the skin in a sequence of spots, which can at times be purple in colour. This condition occurs as a reaction that can be caused by either infection or medication. Erythema multiforme commonly affects the back of the hands, palms, and soles, but it can at times spread to the face, and mouth or other body parts. In a few cases it may even appear just in the mouth. In some cases spots may occur in both the skin and lips. Although the condition can afflict any age group children are more prone to the disorder.
You should visit your general physician or dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis so that the treatment can be focused on the underlying cause, maximizing its effectiveness. In its mild form the disorder generally clears up within two to three weeks.
Bed rest, leg elevation, applying wet dressings, non steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and compressive bandages to the lesions are some of the best and most effective treatments for the symptoms. Outbreaks of erythema nodosum can also be caused by herpes simplex, in which case antiviral medications are prescribed to prevent a recurrence. This however is not meant to address the rash itself.
answered by G M