It is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis without a physical examination. Although you cannot rule out other causes, it is probable that it is an infection since it is spreading. There are several fungal and bacterial infections that can be the cause of the itchy red spot. You may also have additional symptoms that you have not mentioned. For example, if you are also experiencing scaling of the skin - lichenoid rash, psoriasis and seborrhoeic dermatitis are possible causes. It would be best if you visited a dermatologist as soon as possible as this could be the symptom of a more serious problem. If you are not able to get an appointment for a few weeks, you can use an over the counter broad spectrum anti-microbial cream. This cream will help to treat or at least stay the infection and prevent it from spreading. It is important to get this problem seen to as an infection will spread and later it may require stronger medications and/or treatment to get rid of it.
You will also need to follow a daily skin regimen to keep the spot from spreading. You can use a natural homemade face wash to keep your skin clean and reduce the irritation. Mix equal quantities of tomato juice and orange juice. Soak a cotton ball or a small piece of soft linen in this solution and rub it gently over your entire face. Orange juice and tomato juice are mild acids and will prevent the spread of infection. If you have dry skin, add a little carrot juice to the mixture and if you have oily skin you can add fresh lemon juice instead. Use this face wash at least twice a day to keep your skin free of excess oil as well as dust and grime.
You can also use a homemade facial scrub to soothe the itching. Mix a small quantity of apple cider vinegar with an equal amount of water. Crush a few spoons of rice - preferably brown rice to obtain a coarse rice flour. Mix this powder with the vinegar-water mix so that you have a thick paste. Add one or two spoons of fresh mint juice to this paste to thin it out slightly. Apply this to your face and leave it on for a few minutes before you start to scrub your face. Vinegar is acidic too and will help to kill the microbes causing the infection while the Mint juice helps to soothe the itch. Make sure however, that you visit a dermatologist as a physical examination and in some cases a biopsy is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.
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