Advice for a stei or sty in my eye

A stye is a bacterial infection of the eyelash follicle. A sty resembles a tiny, red pimple on the eyelid. Sties are not a reason for concern but they do cause moderate discomfort.

Generally, most styes heal without treatment; the bump will come to a head in a few days. When the bump bursts open, the stye will cure and ache will subside.

If you are eager to get the stye healed quickly, consider using the following tips:

  • Place warm compresses on the stye 3 to 4 times a day for few 20 minutes.
  • Moisten a tea bag and put it on the eye and bandage it in place. Leave this dressing overnight. You will find great improvements the next morning.
  • Dandelion tea is effective in helping the body to get rid of bacteria that causes sties.
  • Pat some castor oil on the sty several times a day till the sty heals.

answered by A W

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