My problem is that my hair are very thick just like underarms hair, and do not look good. Even after shampoo they look very rough in spite of using conditioner. I want to have silky hair

Thick hair is an asset that not many possess. Since you are blessed with it, the only thing that you need to ensure is that the growth sustains through and the texture improves. Your texture as you have put across is rough. This is an indication that your body is not adequately nourished -especially your scalp.

The first thing that you need to do is ensure nourishment in your diet. Plenty of legumes, yogurt, milk and eggs should be a standard part of your diet. Fruits and juices like citrus, Indian gooseberries, and dried apricots also promote the growth of your hair. Hot oil treatment also provides good texture. Use olive oil and almond oil in a coconut oil base and mix the oil with fenugreek seeds. Let the mixture cool for a while. Then take a cotton swab and apply the oil throughout your scalp. Massage your scalp using your fingertips for 10-15 minutes. Then soak a towel in hot water, wrap the towel on your hair and keep it there till the towel turns cool. The steam generated from the hot towel opens up the pores of your scalp and this improves absorption of the oil as well as the blood circulation. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times. Wash your hair off with a mild shampoo and condition immediately after shampooing. If you can manage to dedicatedly repeat this procedure at least twice a week, you will see the results taking shape.

Yogurt is also effective in making the hair smooth and soft. Blend the yogurt in a little water and apply it on your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes and wash it off with cold water. Homemade hair conditioners are always more effective than the chemicals present in cosmetic shampoos. You can also take approximately 100 grams of fresh yogurt or homemade mayonnaise and half of an avocado. Mash the avocado into a bowl and the yogurt till you get a green texture to the paste. Apply this mixture and use the hot turban therapy to nourish the scalp. Keep it on for twenty minutes and wash it off with a mild shampoo. If you want, take a pea-sized amount of olive oil and rub your hands with it. Apply it through your hair especially at the tips. The hair should be towel-dried after the wash. Once you have applied the oil, comb through gently so that the oil spread evenly throughout your hair. Let it dry naturally.

answered by M W

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