Alternative cures for memory loss

Memory loss or amnesia is characterized by forgetfulness that is not normal. It is an impairment or loss in memory due to minor cognitive damage. The reason for the memory loss will determine whether amnesia is a sudden or a gradual process, and also if it is short-term or long-term. Age could be a cause for a slight impairment in memory and the rate at which information is processed. This however does not affect day to day functioning and usually does not escalate, unless there is an underlying illness.

Some of the main causes of amnesia are aging, Alzheimer’s disease, alcoholism, infection or tumor in the brain, injury or disease of the brain and infections in the brain such as syphilis or lyme disease. Drug intake, prolonged electroconvulsive therapy, emotional stress or severe depression, encephalitis, general anesthesia, injury or trauma to the head, too can cause amnesia. Other causes include hysteria, neurodegenerative disease which causes nerve cell loss, nutritional deficiencies, seizures or convulsions, stroke and surgery of the temporal lobe. Memory loss due to ageing is very common and is not indicative of a decline in learning ability or intelligence. It occurs only because the brain requires extra time to remember stored information or to take in new information. This is referred to as simple forgetfulness, and is not considered to be a disease.

Exercise has been proven to be beneficial in enhancing cognition and mental health, especially in older individuals. It has shown to improve memory and reaction time. A brisk walk each day will help to maintain general well being and prevent cognitive impairment. A diet that is rich in vegetables and fruits is known to have positive effects on brain functioning. Consuming foods that are high in fiber are very good for memory decline in elderly people. Intake of fatty acids such as olive oil is good for preventing decline in cognition. Foods that have anti-oxidant properties such as strawberries and spinach are also good for mental well being. Herbs are also believed to improve memory and cognition. These herbs include gingko biloba and a renowned Chinese medicinal herb - the Chinese club moss which contains Huperzine A which is now being synthesized as a treatment for memory problems. Bacopa monnieri which is commonly known as the Water hyssop and the common periwinkle too are beneficial in treating memory disorders. The leaves of the periwinkle plant contain a compound called vinpocetine which is effective in treating certain types of memory loss.

Vitamins A and E are also very good for memory improvement and consuming foods that are rich in them will work well to keep the memory functioning at its best. Carrots and artichokes also help to improve brain functioning, as do eggs, as they contain lecithin. It is also a good idea to keep the mind rejuvenated with the help of puzzles. Trying to memorize small things such as phone numbers also exercises the mind. Meditation techniques and yoga will help to calm the mind and improve concentration and memory.

answered by G M

Refreshing your mind with riddles and puzzles help. Trying to remember phone numbers and other petty things also proves beneficial. Writing the things to be remembered on a board or diary maintenance is easy. Consumption of artichokes and carrots, rich in beta carotene helps in enriching the memory. Lecithin in eggs are good memory boosters. Yoga or meditation calms and helps in remembering things. Supplementation of vitamins E and A enhanced short term memory. Regular exercise aids in improving circulation.

answered by r k

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