What is a good treatment for trigger finger?

Trigger finger is a common disorder that results in the snapping of the tendons, causing severe pain at the tendons in the fingers. Although the causes of trigger fingers are unclear, it occurs in the tendons and the sheath of the affected finger. Trigger finger syndrome can take place in one or more fingers, and is likely to happen at different times at different places. When there is a deviation between the tendon size and the entrance of the tendon sheath, one experiences a trigger finger syndrome. This deviation is likely the result of local rubor or a nodular bump on the tendon itself.

When the size difference between the sinew and the sinew sheath arrives at a decisive point, the tendon will receive resistance from the sinew sheath. Initially, this is felt as a snapping of the trigger finger especially when loosening up a fist. If the condition exacerbates, the trigger finger may need dynamic force from other fingers to unbend, or may not bend at all. The treatment for trigger finger is varied and dependant upon its intensity and the duration of the syndrome.

Treatment for initial cases of trigger finger syndrome symptoms might include:

  • Complete rest of the affected finger- By resting the trigger fingers, you might detect improvement. Simply rest the entire hand for a month to a month and half. To forbid the over utilization of the impacted finger, your doctor might also recommend you to alter or restrict work or social activities that call for recurrent gripping actions.
  • Supporting the trigger finger with a splint- Your doctor may suggest wearing a splint to hold the concerned finger in a lengthened position for up to a month. The splint is useful in helping to rest the finger joint. Splinting is helpful in preventing the fingers from drawing into a fist during sleep.
  • Finger physiotherapy- in some cases, doctors also prescribe that the patient performs mild yet effective exercises with the impacted finger. This can help you to maintain mobility in your finger.
  • Warding off persistent gripping- Patients must keep off from finger activities such as clasping, repeated grasping or the sustained use of any kind of machinery for not less than four to five weeks.
  • Soaking the affected finger in tepid water- Placing the affected palm in warm water, particularly in the mornings, might cut down the intensity of the snapping sensation during the day. If the soaking helps you obtain relief, you can continue to soak your fingers a few times throughout the day.
  • Massage- Gently kneading the trigger fingers may bring some temporary relief and relieve you of your discomfort, but it is unlikely that the inflammation might come down.

answered by G M

Treatment for trigger finger-

  • Rest the fingers and stretch out after every 8 hours of work.
  • Do hot and cold fomentation of the trigger finger keeping in hot water for 5 seconds and then keeping in ice cold water for 5 seconds. Repeat this for 5 minutes every day once.
  • Take a homeopathic remedy called arnica montana 30, 3 times daily for 7 days in a month for 3 months in this way.
  • If possible relax this triggered finger for a month or change the type of job or in worst cases surgery may become inevitable.

answered by D M K

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