What are signs of retaining water, and how do you get rid of it naturally?

Oedema or water retention occurs when there is too much fluid gathered in an organ. This condition can usually be described as a bloated feeling when your clothes feel like they are a few sizes too small. The body usually automatically remedies any fluctuations in fluid balance but sometimes, it is possible that the body is unable to react adequately. The body begins to retain fluid for a number of reasons including an increased intake of salt and too much inactivity. Water retention is also caused by consuming too much alcohol and for women, by the hormonal changes they undergo each month. The most common symptoms for water retention are a sudden and drastic weight gain and swollen ankles.

To control oedema, you should first eliminate excess salt from your diet and try and stop consuming foods that have a high salt content like canned and processed meats. Go on a low-carbohydrate diet and eat higher protein foods. It will also help you to exercise more if you are suffering from water retention because this will drain out the water through sweating and urine flow. You can do simple things like walking up and down the stairs in your home or apartment building or pacing in your hallways. You should also ensure that you drink plenty of water because this will help dilute the salt content in your urine and make it easier to get it out of your body. However, if the swelling does not reduce after a week, consult your doctor to rule out any serious problems.

answered by G R

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