Advice on good diet: Can you please supply me with a diet of some sort that is ok for everyone to use? (1) - Dec 7, 2007 A well balanced diet for every one should comprise of - Vegetables especially green peas, cauliflower, bottle gourd, bitter gourd, sprouts and fruits like water melon and apples.White meat like fish and chicken are good...
Home remedies for better looking skin: What are natural ways for more healthier and better looking skin? (1) - Dec 7, 2007 Home remedies for better looking skin- Do yoga pranayam for 5 minutes each daily. Kapalbhaati and anulom vilom are the best for healthy and better skin...
Home remedies for IBS: What is a natural cure for IBS? (1) - Dec 7, 2007 Home remedies for IBS- Take daily 1 tsp of cumin seed powder at least once at bed time for 2 months.Do yoga pranayam basically 15 minutes each of kapalbhaati and Anulom vilom daily on empty stomach just after waking from bed...
Alternative cures for abcess: Should i rinse with salt water if i have a abcess? (1) - Dec 6, 2007 Alternative cures for abcess- To rinse with salt water is a bright idea. Salt is a universal disinfectant as well as detoxifying agent...
Health advice on feeling running down the back: I have this feeling that runs down my back and also stays in my joints.It is like a funny feeling that i cant really explain.What can it be? (1) - Dec 6, 2007 May be you have a history of drug consumption. Over dosage of some antibiotics or pain killers can cause this funny withdrawal like feeling...
Home cures for energy: Need natural remedy for energy (1) - Dec 5, 2007 There are many home cures for energy. In today's fast moving world, it's very common to realize that our energy levels are being depleted...
Health advice on hair loss patches: I recently got my hair cut. My hair stylist told me i got dime like hair loss patches. What could this be from ? Should i worry since I am only 20 years old (1) - Dec 5, 2007 Health advice on hair loss patches- 1. It may be due to a bacterial infection leading to alopecia or may be hereditary hair loss...
Alternative cures for pain in arches and heels: When I first get out of bed in the morning or if I am sitting on the couch for a hour or more in the evening, I can't walk my arches and heels hurt and are very weak. (1) - Dec 5, 2007 Alternative cures for pain in arches and heels- Take a homeopathic remedy called Rhus tox 30 5 pills once at bedtime daily for 15 days. After the 15th day of stopping Rhus tox 30 as mentioned above...
Health advice on genital psoriasis: What treatment would you recommend for genital psoriasis? (1) - Dec 4, 2007 Health advice on genital psoriasis- Keep the genital area clean. Wash daily with a luke warm turmeric water solution and then wipe it dry with a soft cotton towel...
Natural treatment to lighten complexion: My both hands and legs are very dark compared to by face. Also has lot of wrinkles on legs and hands .Pls suggest home remedies to correct and match to my face complexion. (1) - Dec 4, 2007 Bath in the morning tap water or shower without heating the water. Take a shower even if it is snowing...