Accordingly, obese patients need more than diet and exercise. Although these patients know the important of physical exercise and diet, these patients are also those people who have been exposed to improper practices. If a person has been used to doing certain things for a long time, the behavior of that person tends to be familiar with certain activities as well. Behavior Therapy (Physical Activity) for Obesity, aside from the two mentioned earlier is also very much needed to overcome the disease and to recover from the negative effects obesity has for a person.
In order to attain certain obesity goals for a shorter period of time, Behavior Therapy (Physical Activity) for Obesity must be acquired. It is a common knowledge to all that by modifying physical activity and eating habits, there is a possibility that change in weight will happen. It is also common to all that upon the early childhood, one of the very first things thought to a child are the eating habits and some physical activities such as walking and running. Therefore, if these habits are taught, it will also be possible to modify these habits. Moreover, in order to change these habits for long-term goals, a change in environment is very much needed.
Nowadays, not only medical doctors are very much interested in coming up with the necessary treatments and therapies that will help obese patients overcome their disease. Psychologist and psychiatrist also have come hand in hand with doctors to help combat this prevailing disease. According to psychological science, behavior plays a big role in the development of obesity. If this is the case, Behavior Therapy (Physical Activity) for Obesity will be very effective in helping the present methods used to treat obesity.
Parts of Behavior Therapy (Physical Activity) for Obesity are self-monitoring and controlling of eating and physical activities, stimulus control, stress management, and management of contingency, problem solving, cognitive restructuring and social support. All these parts require motivation, encouragement, support and cooperation of family members.
An obese person or obese patient is somehow suffering from inferiority complex, insecurity and depression. Their desire to lose some weight contributes much to the stress and anxiety they feel and often times, when improvement seems very slow, they tend to draw back to the usual things they do. With Behavior Therapy (Physical Activity) for Obesity, these things are avoided. With this treatment, a shorter term of achieving the goals for treating obesity is achieved.