Category Archives: Common Ailments
March 18, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
Chagas disease is an infectious condition that is commonly transmitted through the feces of the reduviid bug. This insect is common to the southern and central parts of America as well as further down south in Mexico. It is commonly classified as an ...


March 18, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
Symptoms The symptoms of paranoia include the slow and gradual onset of delusions. A person suffering from paranoia will start looking suspiciously at everyone around them. There could or could not be any logical reasons for it. In all likelihood, ...


March 18, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
Perspiration is something quite obvious and is a symptom in itself Perspiration is a result of the body regulating itself to adjust its internal temperature to the temperature outside. If it is too hot, we perspire because our body needs to find a ...


March 18, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
Tonsil stones, or tonsilloliths, are small lumps of bacterial material, skin cells, oral detritus, the corpses of valiant white blood cells, and minerals. Tonsilloliths usually spring forth from the cracks in the tonsils. Creamy white and buttressed ...


March 18, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
Also known as oculosympathetic palsy or Bernard-Horner syndrome, Horner’s syndrome is an ailment of the sympathetic nervous system. It is caused by the interruption of the oculosympathetic nerve pathway. This interruption originates somewhere ...


March 17, 2010
Posted in Category : Common Ailments
The epididymis is a tube connecting the testicles and the vas deferens. An inflammation of this tube leads to epididymitis. Epididymitis commonly affects men who are between the ages of 19 and 35. The inflammation of this area is generally caused by ...