If you look up the meaning of stress in the dictionary, you will know that it is a condition that places a demand on your mental and physical energy. Once a person is drained and exhausted after having spent so much energy being tense about a situation that is troubling them, they are unable to perform to their best capability. Stress can have several negative effects on the body as well as the mind. Stress can trigger of heart problems, stroke, weight loss, illness, and even hair loss.
There is a connection between depression and hair loss, as well as stress and hair loss. Often, a person going through trying times will have dull, lifeless hair. They might even be losing hair along with sleep. So, it is safe to say that stress also causes hair loss.
Telogen effluvium: This is the most common kind of stress-induced hair loss. Physical or emotional stress caused due to severe weight loss, death of a loved one, surgery or worries about finances or work, can send several hair into a dormant or resting phase. Then, over the next few months, this hair will fall of while you are washing or combing your hair. But, when you have overcome the stressful situation, the hair will grow back. It might take some time for this to happen, though.
Alopecia areata: This is another condition that severe stress can cause. In this, your white blood cells will attack your hair follicles, and then this arrests hair growth. Within a few weeks, the affected hair will fall of. It initially starts in a small patch of hair, but keeps spreading. Your hair might grow back, but then this cycle might be repeated.
We suggest that you speak with your doctor if you notice sudden hair loss or hair loss that isn’t usual. You physician will be able to tell you about the medical procedures and treatment plans.
Self help: While a medical consultation is best for treating hair loss, you can try a few simple techniques to de-stress.