The layers of fat which accumulate in the mid section area and are very prominent over the sides of the abdominal external oblique muscle, are casually referred to as “Love Handles”. Unfortunately, they are commonly seen on people who are overweight, lead a sedentary lifestyle or maintain a diet that is high in fats and carbs. They can be quite ugly and no body likes to see them or have them, which is why exercises to get rid of love handles have become an integral part of most fitness and weight loss centers. Several men and women practice spot reduction exercises to get rid of love handles, but may not be very successful. This is because overall body metabolism needs to be raised to a higher level, so that the extra layer of fat in the midsection is burned. In order to see the desired results, it is best to first get the entire body in shape and then work on certain areas.
There is a general idea amongst people that the best exercise for love handles is crunches. However, basic crunches can eliminate some fat about the area, but proper workouts to get rid of love handles can be much more effective. Before practicing the exercises to get rid of love handles, it is important to remember that in order to trim any part of the stomach it is necessary to begin with a long duration aerobic exercise. Some of the common exercises to get rid of love handles are:
Leg Flutters
Standing Trunk Twists
Before performing exercises to get rid of love handles or any other exercises for that matter, it is best to consult a doctor and get an approval.