February 9, 2010

Symptoms, Causes, & Remedies for Swollen Face Infection

Posted in Category : Natural Cures

A swelling in the face is the build-up of fluid or inflammation of the facial tissues. The swelling may spread to other regions such as the neck and the upper arms. Usually, if the swelling is mild, it might go unnoticed until the situation flares up. The eyes, lips and cheeks may show the effects of the swelling more as compared to other parts of the face.  There could be many causes for a swollen face. An allergic reaction or a bee sting usually results in certain areas of the face swelling up. Angioedema, again caused due to an allergic reaction, also results in the face swelling up. The swelling occurs beneath the skin due to allergens like insect bites, animal dander, medications, pollen, certain foods and exposure to water, cold, heat or sunlight. Other causes might be due to tooth abscesses, cellulitis, conjunctivitis, salivary gland disorders, sinusitis, styes, facial surgery, facial injury or trauma, drug reactions, infection, obesity and severe malnutrition.

The symptoms of a swollen face depend on the underlying cause. In sinus, swelling occurs over the cheeks and eyes; this is mostly accompanied by congestion and pain. Some other symptoms that are indication of a swelling face are eye pain or redness, fatigue, fever, watery and itchy eyes, pain while swallowing and chewing, swelling and pain near one or both ears, headaches, skin sores and facial pain. In some cases, facial swelling may be a sign of something more serious if you experience coughing or have difficulty in breathing, feel like your throat is closing up, have rash or hives, feel extreme distress, have bluish or pale discoloration and have fever, seek medical help immediately.

The cure for a swollen face usually depends on the severity and the medical reason behind it. There are home remedies and treatments that you could do to get relief from the pain and to reduce the swelling, they are –

  • Cold Compress: A cold compress helps to reduce the swelling in the facial tissues. You can either make one at home by wrapping ice in a towel or buy ice packs or compresses over the counter.
  • Avoid Salt: Salty foods help in puffiness and fluid retention so it is best to avoid consuming foods with a lot of salt in it.
  • Foods: Certain foods bring on certain allergic reactions which sometimes results in swelling of the face. Be aware of the foods that bring on an allergy and avoid them.
  • Tea Bags: Is an herbal way to combat swelling of the face. Herbal teas have antioxidant properties that can help reduce the swelling. For making a tea-bag pack, you will need to steep four tea bags in warm water a 2 to 3 minutes, and place them on your cheeks, eyes or forehead. The tea bags should be warm and not too hot.
  • Eat Healthy: Fresh fruits and vegetables are great for helping your body flush out toxins from your system.
  • Cucumbers: Have astringent components that can decrease swelling and relieve you of pain. Cut a cucumber into round pieces and place them on the affected area. Or you can also make a mask by peeling a cucumber and mashing it with lemon juice or a little milk. Make this into a paste and apply it on your face.

Apart from these home treatments, consult your doctor who will probably prescribe anti-inflammatory medication depending on the cause. Avoid using any cosmetic products that could either cause or aggravate the swelling. Also use hypoallergenic soaps to avoid any further irritation to the swelling. Calendula lotions are mild and very effective in helping reduce swellings.


  1. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000846.htm