Since malignant otitis externa is a complication of otitis externa, we need to first, find out the details about this condition which is also known as “swimmers ear”. Otitis Externa is the inflammation of the outer ear as well as the ear canal. The inflammation can be caused by active bacterial or fungal infection or simply, just a case of dermatitis where there is no bacterial infection. The bacterial kind is caused by bacteria like pseudomonas which is relatively difficult to treat.
Malignant Otitis Externa is the spread of this infection to the inner ear. The infection spreads from the floor of the ear canal, to the nearby tissues and finally to the bones at the base of the skull. The infection or inflammation may damage the bones and, at times, go on to completely damage them. The infection may eventually spread to vital parts of the body like the cranial nerves and brain among others.
The condition brings with it a serious reduction in the immunity levels of the patient. The immunity levels may be reduced as low as that of an elderly diabetic patient and that of a person infected with the AIDS virus. The condition can be started by a number of situations or incidents such as cleaning your ears with sharp fingernails or other sharp objects that might tear the tissues of the ear canal which could lead to an infection. Exposure to any infectious organism, especially from swimming in polluted water, is a known cause of this condition.
One should watch out for some of these symptoms when suspecting this condition:
Here are a few trusted home remedies that could help a lot in curing the condition: