Bleeding teeth mean bleeding gums which means you have a dental problem or possibly a medical one. Bleeding teeth can be quite an unsightly problem so you should take a good look at your dental care routine. Usually, this problem is most noticeable when one attempts to brush one’s teeth. Over the course of the day, food particles are prone to get stuck inbetween the teeth as well as the gums, and these often go unchecked due to faulty dental care. These particles tend to accumulate over time and can cause tooth decay and other problems. Even with regular brushing, some particles are inevitably missed. It could be that the buildup has become quite bad and is causing the trouble with your teeth and gums. To do away with this, a dental cleanup might be advisable. It is generally recommended that individuals should take a trip to the dentists about once a year at least, to go in for a tooth cleanup. Such bleeding may be a sign of a number of ailments such as gingivitis, canker sores or even oral herpes. Visit a qualified dentist or your family doctor to get to the bottom of these bleeding gums.
How to Treat Bleeding Teeth and Gum
Gum care is a primary step if you want to get rid of your oral condition. Often, a light gum massage can be beneficial in addition to your regular teeth cleansing routine. You can use salt in order to give those gums a light and effective massage. You can make a soothing rinse with warm water and just one teaspoon of salt. A lot of people are turning to traditional treatments like use of tooth powder instead of branded toothpastes. Green tea is thought to be helpful in treating bleeding gums. With this particular dental problem, two useful fruits would be melons and apples. The former helps stem the bleeding while the latter helps with cleaning and healing. What you need is proper oral maintenance in addition regular dental care. This means that besides brushing a minimum of twice in one day, you should also add time to floss. It might surprise you to know that flossing is linked with lesser heart problems. This gives you yet another reason to take extra special care of your gums and teeth. It really is necessary to visit a dentist a minimum of one time in a year. Especially if this dental problem doesn’t clear on its own, a visit to the doctor might be in order.