December 29, 2009

Acupressure For Treating Anxiety Disorders

Posted in Category : Acupressure

Acupressure in an ancient Chinese medical practice that is slowly gaining ground in the Western world. Unlike acupuncture, this method is non-invasive and requires only the application of pressure (usually by a practitioner’s fingers) on certain critical points in the patient’s body. In addition, acupressure is often regarded as part of a holistic treatment, which can include dietary and lifestyle changes, along with some meditation. The ultimate goal is to provide long-term relief from any medical condition and cure it from the grassroots up.

Anxiety is actually a healthy reaction built into the human brain to cope with the various pressures of everyday existence. Unfortunately, this natural instinct can also be a problem in the modern world, where the human brain is under constant pressure from a variety of inputs. In the least serious cases, this can manifest itself as simple worrying, while major cases can lead to chronic insomnia and panic attacks. Acupressure offers an alternative medical solution to mainstream treatments. For example, many people feel their anxiety levels drop if they exert mild pressure in the middle of the face, right between the eyebrows. In addition, the scalp has long being recognized as a key massage and pressure point for reducing stress. However, it is advisable to visit an experienced practitioner who can diagnose the root cause of the problem and design a treatment accordingly.


Certain lifestyle changes can also help patients to deal with anxiety. Any form of meditation, such as yoga or tai chi, can help the patient to find inner balance and feel more at ease. In addition, regular exercise is also a major stress-buster, which is a key cause of anxiety. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has also been shown to improve an individual’s sense of self-esteem, an important parameter of anxiety. When it comes to the diet, caffeinated drinks should be avoided as they raise the levels of adrenalin and cortisol in the body. While adrenalin levels fall quickly, cortisol can remain in the body for several hours, making a person anxious, nervous, and jumpy. Similarly, alcohol initially appears to calm a person down, but in reality it interferes with adrenalin production. When the body tries to compensate, it leads to wild fluctuations in mood and personality. For the same reasons, it is recommended that individuals suffering from anxiety maintain regular eating and sleeping habits to regularize the body’s hormones and enzymes. In the most extreme cases, people with anxiety disorders may need psychological counseling before showing any marked improvements.