5 Easy Ways to Relax When Stressed at Work

by Garreth Myers

It is common to feel disturbed and anxious during periods of stress. With the hectic pace of life today, it often becomes difficult to keep some time aside to relax. However this can also worsen the condition as stress negatively affects the body in various ways. Muscle aches, indigestion, hypertension, acne and poor sleep are all examples of the harmful effects of stress. It is possible to alleviate stress and tension even while you are at work. For good physical and mental health it is essential to take a break during the work day and perform some simple stress relieving techniques. Here are 5 easy ways to relax when stressed at work:

1. Deep Breathing – This is something that can be done anywhere and anytime and is considerably effective in relieving stress almost immediately. It helps to improve the flow of oxygen in the blood and provides a rejuvenating effect to the brain and rest of the body. To practice deep breathing, inhale through the nostrils deeply and then exhale through the mouth. This will relax and soothe the mind and reduce mental clutter. The enhanced supply of oxygen to various parts of the body will recharge you and make you better equipped to face the day. You can even make a habit of practicing deep breathing on a daily basis.

2. Exercising – When there is too much of a workload, the stress can impact your body and mind in several ways. You may find your energy levels dropping and you may face problems in concentration. You are also likely to feel tired easily. Irritation, fatigue and slow mental function are all indicators of stress. Even though you are in the midst of the workday, it is still important to relax and bring balance and harmony back to your system. There are some easy to do exercises which come in handy while you are at work. In case you sit for long periods of time at a desk, then the best exercise would be to get up and walk around for some time after every hour. This will improve blood circulation. While sitting at your desk, you can practice moving your head up and down and from left to right. This eases the tension from neck muscles and also enhances blood flow to the brain.

3. Meditating – Most people think that meditating involves elaborate rituals such as relaxing music, incense and chanting. However there are different ways to meditate and you can meditate quite effectively without any of these things. Meditation helps to calm the mind and relax the body. You can meditate for as long an hour or as less as five minutes. If you have trouble meditating on your own, you can make use of aids such as binaural meditations which help you achieve the various stages of relaxation. These aids can be conveniently downloaded from websites or purchased in CD or DVD format.

4. Socializing – When an individual is under stress, there is a tendency to withdraw within oneself and avoid interaction with others. Over a period of time this affects the thinking patterns and this can lead to numerous adverse effects such as reduced self esteem, self doubt and low self worth. Therefore it is highly important to have a good support system around you. Family and friends can greatly alleviate your stress through their support and advice. It is advisable to make an effort to reach out to others during times of stress and anxiety. Simply talking things over, seeking advice or laughing about things can ease away worry and helplessness.

5. Laughing – One of the easiest and most pleasant ways to relieve stress is laughter. You will find an instant change in your mental and emotional state when you laugh. It is for this reason that some individuals even enroll in laughter clubs where groups of people get together and spend time simply laughing out loud. Laughter triggers the release of hormones such as cortisol, dopamine and adrenaline. These are known as stress hormones because they help to alleviate feelings of anxiety. Laughter also increases the levels of beneficial endorphins and neurotransmitters. When you laugh, you are also likely to experience a physical release which can make you feel relaxed and calm. Another benefit of laughing is that is gives your abs, shoulders and other muscles a good workout.

In addition to these simple techniques, you can also manage stress at work by eating healthy. Low blood sugar levels can lead to anxiety and irritability. Therefore it is advisable to eat small frequent healthy meals during the day. Snacks such as dry fruits and nuts are also a great way to keep stress at bay. Also ensure that you get enough sleep the night before as this will keep you more active and energetic during the day.

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Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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