Choosing the Right Breast Augmentation Options

by Garreth Myers

While there are several ways to increase your breast size such as breast creams, pills, or breast enlargement pumps, no method is as successful as breast implant surgery. When it comes to instant results and gratification, breast augmentation surgery is the best way to increase and improve the size of your breasts. A woman can now go from a size AA to a D cup in a matter of a few hours. Thanks to the latest developments in the field of cosmetic surgery, breast augmentation surgery is also safer than ever before with minimum risks of scarring and infections. Currently there are a number of breast augmentation options to choose from such as saline or silicone breast implants or the latest type of implant known as cohesive gel implants.

Your surgeon will be able to guide you on which type of implant would be best for you but the ultimate decision lies in your hands. When deciding between the different types of implants keep the following points in mind:

  • Silicone implants feel more natural than saline implants
  • Saline implants make the breasts feel firmer
  • In case of a rupture or leakage, saline implants are considered a safer option as the body can safely absorb salt water contained in them. Leakage of silicone gel used in silicone implants can be hazardous to health if it enters the body.
  • Saline implants require smaller surgical incisions and is therefore a safer procedure. Silicone implants are filled up before insertion and therefore require larger incisions and a higher chance of scarring and infection.
  • There is a new type of breast implant available known as the cohesive gel implant. Unlike normal silicone implants, these do no leak even when cut in half. They are also less likely to give into the forces of gravity and sag, fold or ripple after surgery. Downsides to this type of implant include complaints regarding firmness and unnatural shapes of the implant. Cohesive gel implants also require larger incisions as compared to the other types of breast implants available.

Before you decide to go ahead with your surgery, it is important to understand all the pros and cons of the procedure. Speak to your surgeon in detail about the risks involved with this type of surgery such as complications from anesthesia, infections, bleeding, rupturing, shifting, leakage, scarring, loss of sensitivity, unsatisfactory results, and revision surgery. With regards to your recovery, the time taken to resume your natural activities may vary from person to person. In order to reduce recovery time, make sure you stay hydrated, get proper rest, eat a balanced diet that is low in sodium, avoid heavy lifting and certain medications and perform regular light massage around the breasts to improve circulation and reduce fluid retention. You may also have to wear a breast compression garment for a few weeks after surgery to help the healing process.



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