Another type of alternative medicine, this is not a method but an art of healing without the help of medicines. Accupressure involves applying pressure on certain points on the body, so that it increases blood circulation to these points and relieve the patient of any pain or discomfort in that part of the body.
Applying pressure on certain points on the body is important in acupressure, but it is extremely necessary that you know the points where you are required to apply pressure. These points are known as acupressure points. Accupressure points are similar in acupressure technique as well as acupuncture technique.
Accupressure was an ancient technique of pain relief and increasing blood circulation to the complete body, this technique was first found in ancient books in India, later the evidence of its usage was found in China and Japan. This Asian technique has been put to use by several people worldwide to get relief.
This technique requires some amount of expertise or knowledge of the acupressure points. The treatment through this technique involves applying pressure to the points of the body part which has been complaining. You can find the pressure points in reference books or on Internet. You will require searching accurate acupressure point on the body and then applying pressure with the tip of the finger (no big nails), knuckle or blunt end of the pencil.
You will feel a shock, the first time you use acupressure. There can be other symptoms like sweating, running nose or sudden relief from tension. You require applying pressure on the accupressure points. The pressure applied should be for a minimum of 15-20 seconds.
Identification of actual problem and origin of pain is important in acupressure. You should able to differentiate between a stress related pain and actual pain in the body part. I.e. your headache can be because of cold or because of stress, treatment for each type would be different under acupressure and the pressure points would differ too. This technique is excellent when it comes to providing instant relief from pains and aches.
Accupressure does it without any medicinal intake of harmful pain killers or analgesics. Before using this technique for relief, it is better that you educate yourself about this technique. For this you can join a class, read a book regarding acupressure or read about the subject online. Applying pressure on points without knowledge, will neither harm you nor will it be able to provide relief.
It is better than you practice accupressure on yourself before trying on any one else. If you want to take up this profession, you can join some professional coaching classes which also provide you with a diploma along with a certificate of practice so that you can go into a proper set up.
Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.