Eye Lid Cyst

by Sam Malone

Our eyes and the eyelids are the most sensitive organs in the body. The slightest of infections may cause irritation in the eyes, and subsequently impaired vision or partial or complete vision loss. There are several eye disorders that a person could suffer from, and of these, an eyelid cyst is the most common. They are often a result of inflammation of the oil glands in the eyelid. Though there are many causes of an eyelid cyst, the meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common cause. This is the gland that controls the oil in the eyelids. These oil glands may often become clogged, therefore causing the formation of a cyst in the eyelids. This could happen in the upper eyelid or even the lower eyelid.

The meibomian gland slowly releases oil into the tears so that the eye remains moisturized. Since eyes are very sensitive, oils are required to make a clear, moisturizing and nourishing film over them. The oily film prevents the tears from evaporating, therefore allowing the eyes to remain moisturized. Apart from lubrication, the oil also helps prevent the severe disorder known as dry eyes in which there is impairment of vision.

The meibomian gland may get inflamed to form a cyst. This could occur due to a blockage of the gland, or may even occur due to an infection in the gland. These cysts in the upper or lower eyelids are known as the chalazion or meibomian cyst. There are several other types of cysts in the eyelids as well. These are known by different names such as keratosis, styes, inclusion cysts, and sometimes nevus.

Apart from the meibomian gland dysfunction, there are other causes of cyst formation in the eyelids as well. Another kind of cyst, known as the stye, is also caused when there is a bacterial infection in the sebaceous glands of the eyelids. A staph infection in the eyes is the most common cause of bacterial infections on the eyelids.

  • The meibomian gland dysfunction in people suffering from blepharitis is quite common. People who suffer from blepharitis are extremely prone to developing eyelid cysts and styes. There are many other contributing factors for the development of these eyelid cysts. Some of these include the blockage of the eye duct, a complete lack of proper hygiene, and overuse of eye makeup. Leaving eye makeup on your eyes overnight and touching or rubbing your eyes with unclean hands are some of the other causes of cysts on the eyelids.

Some of the commonly caused symptoms of these cysts include the formation of small lumps on your eyelids and swelling of the eyelid. This swelling may be on either ends of the eyelids, or even in the middle of the eyelid as well. There may be redness as well as tenderness in the eyelids, especially in the affected area. Though eye discharge is common, there is no particular color of the discharge from your eyes. There is also increased tearing as well as crusting in and around the eyes. Often, there is pain as well as itching in the eyes on the affected area. There is an increased sensitivity to light as well as air.

The meibomian gland dysfunction treatment is usually used to get rid of the cysts in the eyelids. Warm compress may help in soothing and treating this eyelid cyst. A lot of times, the cyst may need to be treated medically. The application of a warm compress helps the cyst to drain out completely, just in case it has been caused by an infection. If the cyst has been a result of clogging of the meibomian gland, warm compresses can help unclog the gland as well. As the heat spreads through the affected area, the circulation of blood to the area improves and the eye heals much faster. If there is severe swelling in the eyes which persists for a long time, you may want to discuss your condition with a doctor, who can test your eyes and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Most often, physicians prescribe eye drops and antibiotic ointments to be used in the eyes and on the eyelids respectively. Eye cyst treatment may take some time, but usually the cysts will respond positively to these medications. In rare cases, a corticosteroid injection may be required for treatment. However, these injections may cause discoloration and hypopigmentation of the eyes as well as around the eyes.

Eye stye treatment is a little different. These usually disappear on their own. Inclusion cyst eyelids will also require some slight treatment. This might be done by making an incision in the eye so that the fluids in the cyst are completely drained out. Since meibomian gland dysfunction causes are usually associated with infections, the treatment of the infection will help to cure the cysts.

Meibomian gland dysfunction surgery may be required if the infection is severe. Apart from the inclusion cyst eyelid removal, the surgery for this dysfunction is the only medical treatment.

Blockage and inflammation of the Meibomian glands is the most common cause of chalazion. Sties are caused by bacterial infection of the sebaceous glands of the eye. The Staph bacteria are known to cause such infections regularly. Apart from the staph infections, individuals suffering from chronc Belpharitis - a condition where the eye margins are inflamed, have an increased risk of developing sties or eyelid cysts.

Some other causes of eyelid cysts are improper hygiene, Eye duct blockage, excessive use of eye makeup, leaving eye-liner or makeup overnight, and vigorous rubbing of the eyes with unclean hands.


Some of the symptoms of eyelid cysts are:

  • Eyelid swelling
  • Eye discharge
  • Lumps on eyelid
  • Eye crust
  • Redness and tenderness of eye
  • Excessive watering of the eye
  • Itching of the affected area
  • Extra sensitivity to light

Home Remedies

A Cyst usually heals on its own. However, you may try some of these remedies to make it heal faster.

  • Apply a warm compress to the eye for some time about 4 times a day.
  • Wash the eyes with alum water. Mix 2 to 4 granules of alum in a cup of water and wash the eye with the mixture.
  • Place some fresh parsley in a soup bowl and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Let the water cool for 8 minutes. Dip a clean wash cloth in the mix. Close your eye and place the cloth over it for 15 minutes about 3 times a day. This will help reduce swelling.
  • Avoid all kinds of eye make up
  • Wash your eyes about 3 times daily. Do not rub them.
  • Maintain a high level of hygiene. Do not share towels and handkerchiefs.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.
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