Carrot Juice Health Benefits

Carrot, a root vegetable, known in scientific terms as Daucus carota, belongs to the umbelliferous or apiace family of the genus. Carrot is an antioxidant-rich vegetable that contains vital vitamins and dietary fiber. The sweet vegetable contains less quantities of fat and is cholesterol free. Carrot juice is a powerful health drink, which replenishes the body with valuable nutrients needed for its optimum functioning.

Carrot juice is a low calorie drink. A cup of pure carrot juice contains abut 90 calories. Some other health benefits of carrot juice include the following.

  • Vitamin A Benefits: Carrot juice contains generous amounts of beta carotene or vitamin A. Vitamin A is a valuable nutrient that helps maintain healthy bones, skin reproduction, and vision. Vitamin A helps develop a strong immune system to prevent infections and diseases. Vitamin A is also an essential nutrient for pregnant women and the foetus.
  • Vitamin C Benefits: A cup of carrot juice provides 13% of the daily advised dosage of vitamin C. Vitamin C shields the human system from the damage of free radicals. The powerful vitamin protects against common colds and flu infections. Vitamin C also accelerates wound healing and promotes healthy cellular movement, skin, cartilage, bones, and teeth.
  • Vitamin B6 Benefits: Carrot contains good amount of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 also called pyridoxine co-ordinates the metabolism and the immune system. Vitamin B6 along with other important B vitamins helps in the formation of red blood cells and promotes heart health. Furthermore, vitamin B6 boosts the production of happy hormones like melatonin, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Vitamin B6 is also helpful in the treatment of short-term memory loss, muscle fatigue, depression, anxiety, and poor concentration.
  • Mineral Benefits: Carrot juice contains essential minerals such as calcium, manganese, phosphorous, copper and potassium. A cup of carrot juice supplies about 10% of the daily required dosage of potassium. Potassium or vitamin K helps regulate blood pressure and heart rate by negating the risks of sodium. Potassium deficiency can cause skin disorders, muscle aches, and raised cholesterol levels.
  • Calcium Benefits: Calcium is a valuable nutrient for the maintenance of bones and teeth. A cup of carrot juice supplies about 8% of the daily calcium need.

Some other prominent health benefits of carrot juice include:

  • Carrot juice combats free radicals that cause skin ailments such as dermatitis, eczema, wrinkles, pigmentation, and rashes. The antioxidants in the juice help revert the ageing process.
  • Carrot juice contains carotenoids that nourish the skin. The nutrients present in carrot juice shield against sunburn and help repair skin damage.
  • Carrot juice enhances the production of collagen in the body. Collagen, a powerful anti-ageing weapon, maintains youthfulness and firmness in the skin. 
  • Carrot juice is an effective aid in weight loss treatment.
  • Carrot juice contains falcarinol, a natural pesticide, which has anti-cancer properties.
  • Carrot juice revitalizes the liver and decreases bile and fat in the organ.
  • Carrot juice cleans up the arteries, decreasing the chances of a stroke or a heart attack.
  • Carrot juice eases nasal congestion, clears mucus, and reduces sinusitis and phlegm.
  • Carrot juice helps cure constipation and regulate bowel movement.
  • Carrot juice has anti-inflammatory qualities and benefits rheumatism, arthritis, and gout.

Carrot juice is a nutritional powerhouse. However, as with any other food, precautions are important. Excess consumption may lead to side effects such as skin discoloration. People suffering from diabetes should avoid the juice as the vegetable contains natural sugars. Carrot juice provides optimum benefits, if extracted from fresh carrots.

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