What does hives have to do with toe fungus?

Toenail fungus is a result of various factors included exposure to high humidity, heat and restricted blood flow. Avoid the use of tight shoes, socks or stockings. Wear open-toed sandals if possible to allow the area to breathe and cover the offending nail with a band-aid if you are uncomfortable with its appearance. It is a good idea to keep the affect areas completely clean and disinfected over the course of the infection. After every wash make sure the feet are completely dry.

As this is a fungal infection you could try some natural remedies that have known antifungal properties. One such thing is tea tree oil. This oil, a native of Australia, is now used worldwide for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Blend ten drops in a mug of water and wash the infected toe with this solution, three to four times a day. Make sure you use this externally because, if ingested orally, tea-tree oil has various negative effects and is usually not meant for internal consumption. Hives are usually an allergic reaction to various substances that result in red, itchy rashes all over the body. They could also result from high stress or other such trauma. Most often they go away on their own, unlike toenail fungus, but in some rare cases they may lead to swelling of the air passages and make medical treatment a necessity.

answered by M W

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