Are there any quick Home cures for thrush

Thrush can be described as a very common fungal infection that is caused by the Candida fungus. This condition can affect various parts of the body, such as the tongue, the digestive tract, the genitals and the skin. Babies that suffer from thrush in the mouth can even pass it on to their mothers. Although this is not a serious problem, it could lead to a certain amount of discomfort. Therefore, it is best to get thrush treated by a doctor as soon as possible. There are several people who prefer using home remedies for thrush, which are known to have fewer side effects and are just as effective. Given below are some of the most common natural cures for thrush:

  • Clean the affected area with plain water and, use nothing but an anti fungal soap. Shower gels, body washes, bath gels and soaps that are scented or have artificial colors may aggravate the problem. Keep the affected area cool and preferably dry at all times (unless the affected area is the tongue).
  • One of the main triggers of thrush is stress and therefore, it is important to avoid any form of stress, to expedite thrush healing. There are several stress reduction techniques like Yoga or meditation that could be regarded as effective home remedies for thrush.
  • Stay away from certain foods, which include sweets, cheese, juices, white flour, nuts and bread, from your diet. These foods are known to encourage the growth of Candida bacteria.
  • A homemade solution, of baking soda and water is one of the most effective mouth thrush cures. Add two tablespoons of baking soda to a cup of water and mix it thoroughly. Rinse your mouth and tongue with this solution, by swishing it in the mouth for a minute or so.
  • Yogurt could also be used as a thrush remedy natural cure, as it combats the inflammation and minimizes the irritation of the skin. However, it is important to use plain yogurt that is unflavored and unsweetened.
  • Garlic has very strong anti fungal and antibacterial properties, making it one of the most effective home remedies for thrush. Crushed garlic or garlic oil could be applied directly to the infected skin. If the thrush is present in the mouth, it is best to swish a few pieces of garlic in the mouth.

In case the home remedies for thrush mentioned above do not show the desired results within a couple of days, it is best to consult a doctor.

answered by M W

Thrush is a fungal yeast infection that shows up as whitish patches on the tongue and in and around the mouth. These patches can sometimes harden and peel, which can also make them quite painful. One of the best home remedies for providing relief from the itching sensation is to eat ice chips. This will numb the mouth and take away the pain and discomfort momentarily. You can also chill fruits and vegetables and eat those, as they will provide relief and their juices will help in healing. In order to fight infection, you can have a glass of warm milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and honey each, twice a day. To fight the infection topically, you can rinse your mouth with a glass of warm water and a teaspoon of baking soda every other hour. Make a diluted mix of a glass of water, a teaspoon each of hydrogen peroxide and organic vinegar and swish this around in your mouth every hour or so. It will help in removing the fungus and healing. Apply fresh yogurt to the patches and leave it on for about five minutes at a time. The live active bacteria in the yogurt will feed off the fungus and help eliminate it. Eating a couple of apples everyday will help heal.

answered by M W

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