I would like to know the symptoms of gall bladder problems?

Gall bladder is an important organ in the body, which is a part of the digestive system. Gall bladder absorbs bile salts and also helps in the release of bile. Gall bladder has another important function of collecting all the used bile so that it can be recycled. Thus, in its own way, the gall bladder allows the liver some rest. There are a variety of problems that could stem from the gall bladder. The organ itself is small and sac shaped. It has muscular membranes that are elastic, allowing the organ to expand when required. Since the anatomy of this pear shaped organ is very atypical, there are problems that are specific to the gall bladder. Some of the typical causes of the problems associated with the gall bladder are as follows:

  • Gall stones that cause a blockage and result in gall bladder pain.
  • Intolerance to certain specific foods.
  • Allergic reactions to foods that have high proteins.
  • A diet that is high in fat or caffeine.
  • Liver damage.
  • Trauma to the gall bladder due to an injury.
  • Obesity.
  • Some gall bladder problems may be hereditary as well.

Gallstones are usually the root of most of the gall bladder problems. However, if you have suffered an injury in the gall bladder region, you may experience pain due to that as well. An infected gall bladder leads to a condition known as cholelithiasis. This is a condition in which a lot of liver problems can occur and the person eventually may suffer from anemia as well. Some of the signs and symptoms of gall bladder problems include:

  • jaundice, in which the skin as well as the nails and the eyes become yellow in color
  • Infection in the blood vessels and mucous membranes.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, if there are gall stones. In case the gall stones are sharp, or fragmented, they could damage the gall bladder and spread infection to neighboring organs like the liver.
  • Reduction of the blood pressure intermittently.
  • Arrhythmias or irregularities in the heart beat.
  • Depending on the causes of gall bladder problems, you may experience severe sharp pain on the right side of the rib cage. The pain is usually acute and radiates to different parts of the body such as the hands and the legs. Eventually, the pain may end in severe back ache as well as pain in the abdomen.
  • There may be constant pain in the upper abdomen. This kind of pain is usually due to biliary colic.
  • You may also experience flatulence, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, especially after consuming fatty foods.
  • Brown spots may begin to appear on the skin. This usually occurs when the amount of bile becomes high in the blood stream.

There is a possible treatment for gall bladder problems with diet. Keeping a basic, nonfat diet can help lower the bile in the blood. However, if the condition is being caused by gall stones, laparoscopy or similar surgeries may be required to treat the condition. A gall bladder surgery is invasive, but the invasion can be kept minimal by using laparoscopy. There may be some gall bladder problems after surgery if the surgery is not performed properly.

You can try a gall bladder remedy at home, but these remedies are usually only temporary. However, if they can help you ease the pain and control other symptoms of gall bladder problems, you should continue using them. Your doctor will advise you a diet based on the causes of gall bladder problems. You will most likely have to consume a bland diet with minimum fat, for a few days to help ease the problem.

answered by G M

Problems associated with gall bladder and biliary system are:

  • Inflammation of the gall bladder and bile ducts
  • Muscular spasms
  • Gall bladder stones and
  • Obstruction to the bile flow.
  • Complications of gall stones include cancer, cholecystitis, cholangitis and jaundice. Typical symptoms includes
  • Abdominal fullness or gas
  • Pain in the right upper abdomen, which often radiates to the right shoulder and back
  • Fever
  • Indigestion after eating (especially fatty foods)
  • Heartburn
  • Chills
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chest pain under the breastbone

Read more about: Gall Bladder Symptoms

answered by r k

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