What can I take for gallbladder pain?

Gall bladder is a sac, seen under the liver. Stones in the gall bladder are the main cause for pain. Chemical imbalance in the gall bladder results in hardening or crystallization of the bile acids. Inflammation of gall bladder or cholecystitis results in pain in the upper part of the abdomen, on the right side. This condition results in blockage of the bladder with the stones, thereby preventing the bile release.

Pain is associated with nausea, indigestion and jaundice. Gall stones are generally unnoticed and are released through urine. Surgical procedures enable easy removal of stones. Extreme cases call for removal of the gall bladder. Reduction in the animal foods, dairy products and alcohol is helpful.

Certain medications for dissolving the stones are helpful. Upper abdominal pain raises to the shoulder blades, which might subside. Nonsurgical options of treatment include percutaneous electro hydraulic lithotripsy, topical gallstone dissolution, bile salt tablets and sound wave therapy. Laparoscopic cholecyctectomy is followed leading to less scars and wounds. The first sign of pain requires immediate medical attention. A low fat and high fiber diet proves beneficial. Crash diets are avoided.

Read more about: Gall Bladder Symptoms pain

answered by Dr C

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