what causes headaches, nausea, and heartburn?

Headache is pain in the head or forehead. It can be one sided at times. A kind of hammering sensation is common. Stress, fatigue, exposure to sunlight, trauma, smoking, menstrual problems, stroke, increased sensitivity to light, pseudotumor and eye strain are some of the contributing factors of headache. Alternative treatments such as yoga, meditation and stress busters are also effective. Certain foods, such as cheese, chocolates, nuts and caffeine result in headaches. Topical application of eucalyptus oil and powdered camphor is helpful. Dried ginger is powdered and applied on the forehead with little water. Change in power of glasses also causes headache. Migraine is accompanied by headache, nausea and vomiting.

Nausea is the feeling to expel unwanted substances from the body, through the mouth. It is the urge to vomit. It is not a disease, but a symptom that is associated with many illnesses. Indigestion, emotional stress, gall bladder disease, motion and sea sickness, chemotherapy, certain medicines, bulimia, pain and enteroviruses are the various causative factors of nausea. Lime juice is an effective remedy.

Heartburn is a kind of burning sensation felt in the chest region. Flowing back of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus is referred to as heartburn. Abnormality of the stomach muscles or weakening results in this condition. Bending down or lying flat aggravates the condition. Smoking, alcohol, large meals, spicy foods, acidic foods, certain medications and hitting the bed right after meals are some of the factors that worsen heartburn.

Read more about: Gall Bladder Problems Symptoms

answered by Dr C

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