Is ashwagandha powder useful to gain weight?

Here are some useful herbs for weight gain:

  • Blessed thistle helps stimulate the appetite and also relieves digestive distress. It is used by herbalists as a tonic for people who are unable to eat adequate quantities of food.
  • Chamomile works as an appetite stimulant and helps you gain weight.
  • Studies indicate that consuming Withania Somnifera (500 mg per day) for a month helps reduce stress levels and also increase your weight.
  • Dandelion root is used for treating people with a poor appetite. It contains bitter substances such as lactones glycosides and sesquiterpene that help stimulate digestion.
  • Some other herbs and spices that are recommended for weight gain include tarragon, bay leaf, dried rosemary, black pepper, and curry powder. You could use these herbs and spices in your food to help you keep on heathy weight.
  • One popular way you can gain weight is by taking a supplement for weight gain. Check with your health care provider for the best weight gain supplement that will work for you.
  • Gentian is an excellent drug to help you put on weight. The herb increases gastric secretion, increases bile flow, and increases appetite.
  • Chen Pi is used to stimulate your appetite and give you relief from any abdominal distension.

answered by A S

Suggest some weight gaining techniques for underweight?

There are varieties of healthy weight gain foods that can be easily found everywhere. Here are some great weight-gaining tips for the underweight.

  • To gain weight, you need to make sure that your caloric intake is more than the calories you burn per day. An average male who performs light activity needs a daily intake of 2,200 calories and a female requires approximately 1,900 calories. You need to eat around 1,000 calories more if you want to gain one pound per week.
  • Healthy weight gain foods such as tuna, salmon, flax, and almonds are recommended. Include sources of protein in your diet such as poultry, fish, nuts, lean meats, dairy products, legumes seeds, and fruit juices.
  • You can increase your caloric intake by alternating consuming three regular meals supplemented by three smaller meals every few hours. Some high caloric snacks you can eat are cheese sticks, dried fruits, breakfast bars, yoghurt, and protein shakes.
  • Try gaining muscle weight by doing some free weight exercises. These include dumb bells, dead lifts, bar dips, squats, barbell rows, pull-ups, and bench presses. It is best that you do these exercises with a spotter or under supervision. Make sure you drink enough water while exercising.
  • Above all be patient. Gaining weight can be a very slow process. You can achieve it by exercising and eating properly.

answered by G M

What is the maximum weight that should be gained by a women during pregnancy?

One of the questions bothering most women would be what is the average weight gain during pregnancy? In general, a woman should gain approximately two to four pounds in the first trimester, and one pound per week after that. If she is expecting twins, then the weight gain should be about 35 to 45 pounds. This averages to one and a half pounds per week after the normal weight gain in the first trimester.

It is best that you ask your health care provider what your weight gain during pregnancy month by month should be. The average weight gain during pregnancy for underweight women should be 28 to 40 pounds. A woman with average weight, should gain 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. In the case of overweight women, the weight gain should be only 15 to 25 pounds.

This weight gain should be healthy and by eating a well-balanced and healthy diet you are ensuring that your baby is healthy and getting the right nutrients. It is a myth that you need to “eat for two” while pregnant. Your calorie consumption should be only 100 to 300 calories more than you would before your pregnancy. This is sufficient to meet the requirements of your baby. If you have for some reason gained more than the recommended weight during your pregnancy, it is best you talk to your health care provider.

answered by a

How does a protein diet helps to gain weight?

Protein plays a vital role in building muscle and is therefore, an element in any weight gain diet. A protein diet for weight gain is especially recommended for a person who works out as exercise causes a breakdown in the muscle protein, and it is important that you replenish this protein loss with plenty of protein. This will help repair as well as rebuild your muscles. Protein also ensures that your body is kept in a constant anabolic state. It helps discourage fat gains, normalize the blood-insulin levels, and as mentioned, also encourages muscle growth.

When you look out for food to put on weight, make sure you check the protein content. While following a high protein diet to gain weight, make sure you include extra calories in your diet in a healthy way. Do not just consume extra calories but make sure you have all the nutrients included. Here is a list of some healthy, lean and tasty protein sources.

  • Chicken breast - 30 grams of protein in 3.5 ounces
  • Turkey - approximately 7 grams per ounce
  • Tuna - 40 grams in a 6 ounce can
  • Salmon - 27 grams in 3.5 ounces
  • Eggs - 7 grams in 1 large egg
  • Milk - 8 grams in 1 cup (skim or 1%)
  • Cottage cheese - 15 grams in ½ cup
  • Cashews, peanuts and almonds, - 5, 9, and 8 grams, respectively, in ¼ cup
  • Peanut butter - 8 grams in 2 tablespoons
  • Yoghurt - 10 to 12 grams per cup

answered by A S

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