What helps scars to fade?

Scars are most amenable to home remedies when they are freshly formed. Not much can be done to remove old scars, but some remedies are suggested to lighten them. The first precaution to take when you have a wound, is to let the scab fall off on its own. Don't pick at it as this causes increased scarring. acne scars are caused quite often because people squeeze or pick at acne, leaving scars and pits in the skin.When a wound has just started healing keep it away from direct sunlight. Cover it with a band-aid or gauze or just avoid going out at times when the sun is most severe. Sunlight tends to make scars permanent.

Some remedies to help lighten scars are listed below:

  • Vitamin E is said to be good for lightening scars and is also used to good effect on stretch marks. Vitamin E is present in almond oil. So you can either use almond oil on the scar or use creams containing a mixture of aloe vera gel and Vitamin E.
  • Another simple way is to purchase Vitamin E capsules, prick them with a needle and squeeze out the fluid. Apply this fluid directly on scars.
  • Lemon juice applied directly on the scar may also help.
  • Natural 100% cocoa butter is also said to be an effective remedy.

answered by S E

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