A condition in which the thyroid glands produce excessive amounts of a hormone called thyroxine is known as hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is also referred to as over active thyroid. This condition increases the body's metabolic rate considerably, causing sudden weight loss, excessive sweating, swelling in the neck, rapid and irregular heartbeats. In some cases of hyperthyroidism, irritability and nervousness may also be reported. Hyperthyroidism should not be ignored as it could develop into a serious health condition, if not treated in time. However, when attended to promptly, this condition can be treated easily.
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland becomes inflamed. The reason behind this kind of an inflammation is under debate, and a concrete conclusion is yet to be propounded. Treating the condition will help you get rid of the symptoms too. Therefore, treating your condition will help you get rid of the swelling around your neck. However, you can use home remedies to speed up your recovery process, and relieve your throat swelling and irritation.
- Apply a warm compress around your neck. A warm compress will keep the neck area warm and reduce the swelling to some extent.
- Gargling with warm salt water is another remedy that will help in reducing the swelling and also bring about effective relief from the throat irritation that you may be experiencing. Salt contains calcium and iodine. Iodine is known for its curative effect when it comes to treating hyperthyroidism. This is because iodine works by slowing down the secretion of thyroxine. You should follow this remedy at least twice everyday.
- You should also include kelp in your diet while dealing with this condition. Kelp is a sea weed that is rich in iodine content and helps eliminate this condition effectively.
- Vitamin B12, vitamin E and vitamin C are also very beneficial when it come to treating hyperthyroidism. Including vegetables like cabbage, Brussels sprouts and mustard greens will prove helpful. Fruits like peaches, apples and pears will also prove beneficial in treating your condition. All the fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C, E and B12 help in slowing down the thyroid function to a certain extent, and help in restoring normalcy.
- Thinning of the bones is another ill-effect attributed to this condition. Hyperthyroidism causes the body to lose excessive amounts of calcium. Therefore, you must increase your calcium intake when faced with this condition.
- Avoid smoking and drinking when faced with this problem, as nicotine and alcohol alter the metabolic rate of the body and aggravate the condition.
answered by c