What Vegetables Takes Swelling Away?

Fluid retention or edema is the retention of fluids in the feet, legs and ankle. Swelling and puffiness are common symptoms. Cabbage leaves placed on the swollen feet helps in removal of the extra water. Drinking two cups of water boiled with corncob hair is an effective remedy. Slices of cucumber are placed on the affected area. Potato slices are placed over the cucumber slices and tied as a poultice. Avoid processed foods, as the sodium content of such foods is high.

Stretching the affected limb and placing on a slightly elevated level proves beneficial. A massage with mustard oil is also helpful. Ground flaxseeds are helpful in providing relief. Flaxseed oil is also equally effective. Excessive drinking of water or tea is of great help. Protein and fats are included based on the weight of the individual. Smoking and alcohol worsens cases of edema. Barley water is considered beneficial for water retention. Cider vinegar helps in removal of excessive fluid from the cells. A well balanced diet without caffeinated beverages is recommended. Read further to know more information on causes, symptoms and remedies on edema.

answered by Dr C

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