Home remedies for high blood pressure and diabetes

I take medicine for high blood pressure and diabetes. I suffer from mild depression and anxiety. Can you recommend anything i can take that is safe and that i can take with my 2 pills?

It is fairly easy to control both high blood pressure and diabetes. It will require strict dieting and a regimen to be followed precisely. For high blood pressure, eat two cloves of garlic every night before going to bed. This will take care of the smell to a large extent and also bring both pressure and diabetes under control. Spinach is a very good remedy for both blood pressure and diabetes. Boiled and crushed spinach can be had as a soup with a dash of butter, a pinch of salt and pepper to enhance the taste. All raw vegetables are effective in bringing both these ailments under control. Increase salad intake and cut down on carbohydrates. Cut back on salt, and stop using table salt completely.

To get your diabetes under control, prepare a mix of the juices of a two-inch piece each of long green squash, bitter gourd, tomato and cucumber and drink it without straining every morning, on an empty stomach. Add a tablespoon of cinnamon powder to a liter of water and boil till reduced to half. Strain and store this water. Drink 20 ml of this every morning to bring your blood sugar count under control. Avoid large meals. Eat five small meals instead. Have a light breakfast, a mid-morning snack, lunch, an evening snack, dinner, and if you are hungry still, a pre-bedtime glass of milk with a fruit. Avoid white bread or flour-based products. Try not to eat more than three or four fruits in a day. Increase fiber content in your food.

answered by M W

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