Home remedies for chronic coughing and itchy feeling in lungs

Coughing is nature's way of clearing out foreign particles from the respiratory tract so as to avoid discomfort, irritation or the spread of infection. Coughing is also induced when the air passages get blocked by foreign matter, making breathing difficult. More often than not, coughing occurs in the natural course of life and is not a serious condition which requires immediate medical intervention. However, if coughing persists for over a week without showing any signs of reducing, it could be indicative of chronic coughing. The term "chronic" is used to describe a medical condition that lasts for a long time, usually a few weeks or more.

Chronic cough causes include allergic reactions, asthma, smoking and heartburn. Another cause of chronic cough is mucus in the throat. Allergens like smoke, dust, pollen and chemical fumes can cause mucus to drip down into the throat from the nasal passage (called postnasal drips). Chronic cough at night could be the result of allergens present in the bed linen. At times, pet fur, cleansing agents and room fresheners can also have a similar effect. This causes an obstruction in the air passages leading to coughing. A constant exposure to these allergens can result in chronic coughing. Postnasal drips can also be the result of conditions like sinusitis, rhinitis and the common cold. Postnasal drips are the leading cause of chronic coughs. An upper respiratory tract infection could lead to chronic cough with phlegm. People who are asthmatic are also known to experience chronic coughing as the airways tend to get restricted. Additional symptoms may include a shortness of breath and wheezing with chronic cough - asthma. Exposure to cold air or certain fumes or odors may trigger these coughing bouts, in this case. Individuals suffering from heartburn or acid reflux are also known to experience chronic coughing as the acid buildup in the stomach makes its way back into the tube connecting the throat to the stomach. The acid produced can cause a tremendous amount of discomfort and irritation and often leaves a sour taste in the mouth. At times, people suffer from sore throats as well as a result of heartburn. People who smoke also suffer from chronic coughing as this habit causes a mucus buildup in the lungs and respiratory tract.

Chronic cough remedies depend on the cause for the coughing bouts. Consulting a doctor to ascertain the cause is highly recommended, especially if the chronic coughing bouts are recurrent. If the cough is caused by allergens, trying to determine the allergen is recommended before looking for any chronic cough remedies. This can be done by noting down the events that lead up to the coughing. Staying away from the allergen is one of the best chronic cough remedies in this case. Doctors may prescribe some anti-allergy medication for the same. If mucus buildup is the cause for the chronic coughing bouts, a solution made with salt and boiled water can be used as a nasal drip. A drop in each nostril not only helps to clear out any blockages caused by mucus but also kills infection causing germs. Mucus is a leading cause of chronic cough at night in children and this is a safe remedy for a child. Chronic cough remedies for children and adults also include drinking a cup of warm milk to which half a teaspoon of turmeric powder has been added, sweetened with honey. Turmeric and honey are known for their healing as well as antiseptic properties. Chronic cough remedies for adults also include the consumption of a pinch of black pepper mixed in with a tablespoon of honey. Chewing on a piece of ginger may also prove effective. For chronic cough asthma treatment it is better to consult a medical practitioner before using any home remedies.

answered by G M

Coughing is the body's reaction to the factor that may be causing the irritation and annoyance. In an effort to free the air passage and the body of that particular irritation, and to relieve the obstructed air ducts, coughing is induced. Persistent cough at night could mean that the irritant tends to surface as you lay down. In a bid to come out of the body the irritant find its way in the passage and gets stuck in that position as you lay in a horizontal position. Since coughing is a natural reaction to an obstruction, it is obvious that the air passages retch to get. These are signs of a severe sinus infection, or a case of bronchitis or perhaps an allergic reaction to the pillow or mattress that you laying on and in a few cases it could be an indication of asthma.

Maintain a humidified bedroom at night. This can be done by using a cold-air vaporizer. That will screen out all chances of cough caused due to cold. Make sure that you drink a lot of warm water during the day. Coughing causes the body to dehydrate and moreover your body needs the extra fluid to liquefy the mucus thus causing it to eject it out of the body instead of thickening and staying put in the lungs.

answered by K C

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