Burning sensation in urine cures: How do I stop the burning associated with going to the bathroom after eating spicy foods?

Natural Remedies for Burning Urine

Burning sensation in urine can be due to many reasons. One of the most common factors is urinary infection and excessive intake of spicy foods tends to stimulate the action and worsen the condition. And if you say that you feel burning after eating spicy foods, then the best thing you can do to alleviate burning sensation after ingesting spicy foods is to avoid intake of spicy foods. Another best option is to drink plenty of water to get rid of the burning and other toxins from your body.

Apart from this, there are other remedies that can help relive burning in the urine. Here are some of the most effective solutions:

  • Cauliflower is an excellent cure for burning urine. You can eat a piece of cauliflower or use it along with other vegetables.
  • Lady finger gives liberation from burning sensation and helps in increasing the urine flow.
  • Ridged gourd also helps in relieving burning sensation.
  • Add sugar to rice water and drink it to get rid of the burning.
  • Drinking un-boiled milk with water can also help to relieve burning urine.
  • Traditional natural remedy for burning urine is consuming Indian gooseberry. It helps in increasing the flow of urine and gives relief from burning as well as constipation.

answered by J

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