How do you get rid of poison ivy?

Going out of doors on a nature walk or a trek is fun. However, it comes with its share of pitfalls and side effects. Unexpectedly finding yourself in a patch of poison ivy is one of those. If you find yourself itching and an angry red appearing on your body, this is probably due to poison ivy. However, if you notice any other symptoms like nausea, vomiting or even a fever you should consult a doctor since this could indicate some other problem. If you have just discovered that you have been in patch of poison ivy, the wisest thing to do is to wash your hands. Avoid touching other parts of your body with hands that have come into contact with poison ivy.

The easiest way to get relief from the effects of poison ivy is cold water. Hold the affected part under running water and let it wash over the rash. This will give you relief from the burning sensation. If you have a bad case of poison ivy, then you should even consider immersing yourself in a tub of water. This will bring immediate relief. If you use some rubbing alcohol on the affected area immediately after you have been in a patch of poison ivy, you may be able to extract practically all of the oil from the tree that has given you the rash. When you go out into wooded areas in the future, always remember to dress in loose clothes with long sleeves to protect yourself.

answered by G R

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