What would cause a bump underarms

Sometimes ingrowths in underarms can cause small bumps. These bumps contain hair with little pus enclosed in a thin layer of skin. These are common after continuous waxing. Try shaving your underarms to remove the ingrowths. However avoid shaving your armpits on regularly basis as the hair growth would be thicker, faster, and may make your underarms dark in color.

To avoid underarm bumps in future -

  • Keep your armpits clean; remove hair often this will also help to avoid excessive sweating.
  • Wash your armpits regularly after exercise, as the sweat can breed in lot of bacteria to clog in the pores and give rise to new bumps.
  • Never keep the razor in your bathroom and always dispose a disposable razor after 3 uses.
  • You can even use an epilator to remove hair from your armpits.
  • You can simply pluck these ingrowths which cause pain. This way you can remove the hair from inside as well as remove the pus. After it is plucked your underarm won’t hurt.

If the bump is too large with no ingrowths or no pus in it then it would be wise to consult a specialist as this can be a small lump.

answered by S P

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