What is the meaning of Barrets syndrome?

Barrets Syndrome is a condition in which the regular cells that line the esophagus are replaced with cells that have certain irregularities. In some people, this condition may be pre-cancerous, leading to cancer of the esophagus which is also known as adenocarcinoma. This condition usually occurs in people who have had the problem of acid reflux for extended periods of time, perhaps a few years or so. The process of acidic juices from the stomach flowing back into the esophagus is known as acid reflux. These juices have acids and enzymes that tend to irritate and finally contaminate the lining of the esophagus. This changes the nature of the cells in the skin lining of the esophagus, thus leading to Barrets Syndrome.

The condition is listed as pre-cancerous because at this point the changed cells are not malignant yet. The exact reason for these pre-cancerous cells turning malignant is still undetermined. There could be a variety of factors such as food habits, genetics and general body immunity levels that make this difference. It is also important to note that those who have Barrets Syndrome do not necessarily develop adenocarcinoma. This is all the more reason why medical research is still unclear about the causes.

answered by G M

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