What to do for White discharge from vagina?

Sometimes simply called whites, leucorrhea is a medical condition in women in which there is whitish discharge from their genital tracts. Though the discharge is the vagina's natural defense mechanism to maintain the right chemical balance and preserve the vaginal tissue's flexibility, it is at times caused by inflammation or congestion of the vaginal mucosa. Due to constant wrong dietary habits the system can get loaded with toxins, which the skin, bowels, kidneys and lungs fail to throw out, and it's all thrown out by the vaginal tract in form of the white discharge. Leucorrhea is also caused by either increase or decrease in the levels of estrogen, vaginal infections and anemia. Symptoms of leucorrhea include chronic constipation and headaches, fungal infections, weakness, intense itching and irritability. STDs are also responsible for leucorrhea.

Since it's been established that high levels of toxins cause leucorrhea, make sure that your system is free of toxins. Drink lots of water, especially warm water at least twice a day. Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink plenty of fruit juices too. This helps to preserve the delicate balance of flora existing in the vagina. Supplementing your food with yogurt and avoiding sweets, dairy products, peanuts, alcohol, cigarettes, and sour foods will control the problem. Drinking cranberry juice will help you too. There are many home remedies available to get rid of the problem. Maintain good vaginal hygiene and try to observe a complete fruit juice diet for 3-4 days followed by an all-fruit diet, consuming three meals of fruits a day for a week, and finally a well-balanced diet of fresh fruits, raw and steamed vegetables and wholegrain cereals. Avoid white flour, white sugar, fried and greasy foods, tea, and coffee. Lady finger and fenugreek seeds are extremely beneficial. Boil 100 gm of transversely cut lady fingers in half a liter of water for 20 minutes. Strained and sweeten the decoction and consume in doses of 60 to 90 ml frequently. Take fenugreek seeds internally in the form of tea or use as a douche. You can make the douche by boiling two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds into one liter of for half an hour. Let it simmer on a low flame. Strain the decoction and used as a douche. Some more douches that you can prepare are: a decoction of guava leaves, which will act as an effective astringent. Similarly, walnut tree leaves also contain astringent chemicals. So you can make a decoction of the fresh leaves to treat leucorrhea.

answered by G M

White discharge refers to the white secretion from the female reproductive organ. If you have noticed the white discharge then you should consult your doctor at the earliest. If this condition, known as Leucorrhea, is not treated in time it can become a chronic complaint.

In addition to the white discharge, women suffering from Leucorrhea experience weakness. They complain of a dragging sensation in the calves of their legs. The patient could also complain of headaches and become irritable and develop black circles around the eyes.

Leucorrhea is caused when the body experiences an overload of toxins. If your eating habits are not good then this affects your body. The toxins in the food are in such high quantities that the lungs and bowels are unable to get rid of them. The body then attempts to flush these toxins with the white discharge.

You can help yourself by altering your lifestyle and adopting a more healthy diet. You should eat fresh fruits and vegetables and consume fluids in large quantities. You can make a decoction by boiling okra, which have been slit down the middle, in a pot of water. You can strain this and add some honey and drink this regularly. You can also drink a tea made of fenugreek seeds. Boil some seeds in a cup of water, strain and drink.

answered by M W

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