Sufficient intake of water helps in keeping all problems at bay. Topical application of lip balm is helpful. Any cream with sunscreen also helps. High cream factor in the lipstick used is beneficial. Ointments comprising of hydro cortisone provides relief from chapped lips. Those possessing anti bacterial property also helps. Intake of adequate fluids and water restores moisture. Avoid licking of chapped lips, as it causes momentary hydration and in course of time results in infection. Allergy towards certain toothpastes or chewing gum results in dry chapped lips.
Lip sores are common due to B complex vitamins. Cold milk can be soothing. Dab on lips with a cotton ball. Topical application of aloe vera juice or Vaseline also proves beneficial. Chapped lips that are dry are generally caused by dry weather, allergic dermatitis, running nose or blocked nose resulting in breathing through the mouth, dehydration improper use of medications. Keeping the environment moist, by using a humidifier helps in keeping away from chapped lips. Regular occurrence of chapped dry lips calls for trouble and requires the guidance of a dermatologist.
answered by Dr C