A value of 10 on the TSH test suggests hypothyroidism. There are home remedies that help with hypothyroidism, but it is not recommended that you diagnose yourself. There are other factors that can affect TSH test values, so please have a doctor confirm the diagnosis. The primary treatment for hypothyroidism is to get a lot of iodine. There are several ways to help the thyroid gland function correctly which I shall list below:
- Take supplements containing Novascotia Dulse or Norwegian Seakelp. These are seaweeds that contain iodine and also other minerals in correct proportions.
- Get plenty of sunshine and fresh fruit and vegatables
- Vitamin A and the B group of Vitamins nourish the thyroid gland, so make sure you correct any deficiencies
- Eat iodized salt. If possible look for salt that does not contain aluminium.
- Get 3-5 hours of outdoors activity and at least an hour of rigorous exercise as this will stimulate the thyroid gland.
- Eat one serving of bananas and oats daily
- Avoid any chlorinated or fluoridated products. Try and distil your own water and avoid fluoridated toothpaste as chlorine and fluorine block iodine absorption.
- Eat all veggies from the cabbage family in small quantities and also avoid peaches and pears.
Medication for thyroid problems can be harmful in the long term. It is best to try and control the problem with natural supplements and lifestyle changes. However, do all this under the advice of your primary health care giver.
answered by S E