how to stop bleeding of piles with a home remedy

What helped me was so simple and it worked almost immediately. It was sitting in a bath of salted water. Or use a bowl with perhaps half a cup of salt in fairly warm water. Sit for at least 10 to 15 minutes or longer if wanted. Relief is almost immediate. This I did in a hospital in Old and I am forever grateful.

answered by a s

Piles is an offspring of constipation. If this culprit is corrected, you shall automatically get relief. Drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich foods such as whole grains and legumes, vegetables and fruits.

Home remedies

  1. Eating 2-3 figs everyday with milk at night is effective.
  2. Drinking buttermilk at the end of a meal is beneficial.
  3. Take 1tbsp of coriander leaves juice with 1 tsp of sugar thrice daily.
  4. Boil a ripe banana in a cup of milk and take 2-3 times a day.
  5. Drink a juice mixture of 1 tsp each of ginger juice, lime juice and fresh mint juice, mixed with 1 tbsp of honey.
  6. Mango seed powder given in doses of 1.5-2 gms with honey, twice daily is effective.

For more information on piles, visit

answered by r k

  • Margosa and holy basil leaves, ground together and made into a paste, can be applied as a poultice.
  • Neem-seed oil should be applied locally.
  • Sometimes a cool application gives more relief. Take a tablespoon of sesame seed, a tablespoon of crushed margosa leaves, and a 2-inch stick of liquorice. Grind them to a paste with milk. Apply locally on the piles/fissure.
  • Roasted onion, mashed and placed in a cloth and applied as a poultice while still warm, is highly efficacious.

answered by C

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