purple lines on arms and legs and purple knees

Purple lines on the arms and legs may occur due to the development of spider veins. These are veins that have enlarged due to poor circulation of blood. The blood does not flow back through the veins, but in certain cases if the veins have become weak, the blood may flow in a backwards direction and then accumulate in the veins. This causes the veins to become swollen and clearly visible on the skin surface. As the veins take the appearance of fine clustered lines, they are referred to as spider veins. Spider veins are believed to occur mostly due to genetic factors and are observed more frequently in women.

The exact cause of spider veins is not known for certain. It has been seen that in many cases, weakening of the valves present in the veins can result in poor blood circulation through the veins. These valves are responsible for regulating the blood flow in the right direction. Due to damage or improper functioning of the valves, the blood may begin to flow back in the wrong direction, thereby clogging the veins and causing spider veins. Weakening of the walls of the veins could also be a factor. Spider veins are not harmful, although they tend to remain permanently once they form. Medical procedures for treating spider veins include sclerotherapy in which a small needle injects a certain solution in the veins. This results in inflammation within the blood vessel, which cause the vessel to close. Since the blood flow has been stopped in the vessel, the veins become less visible and soon fade away completely. Laser therapy may also be used, although it can be painful and can also lead to formation of additional small veins in place of the earlier ones.

Exercise is very important in reducing spider veins. The legs must be exercised and even simple activity such as walking and jogging will prevent further development of spider veins. Also, remember to always keep your legs straight, even while sitting. Elevating the legs to a height higher than the hip level by placing them on a chair will also help. Wear comfortable and flat shoes that do not put pressure or strain on the legs. Keep active and do not allow the legs to remain stationary for a long period of time as this restricts the flow of blood and can aggravate the condition. Warm oil massages are very beneficial in treating this problem. Natural essential oils such as lavender and tea tree oil can be used. It is also a good idea to consult your doctor regarding the problem in order to rule out any other causes for the purple discolorations on your skin.

answered by G M

A purple color on your skin may be due to bruising, but purple lines on different parts of the body could be spider veins. These are veins that are twisted and swollen because of weak circulation of blood. Veins do not allow the blood to flow in a backward direction but if they become frail, blood can flow back into them and collect over there. This will lead to a clogging which causes the veins to become extremely large and visible though the skin. Spider veins are found in the surface of the skin and they usually look like a spider's web. Spider veins are more common in women and are usually genetic.

These veins are harmless, but once formed they tend to be permanent. The treatment of these veins is mainly for cosmetic reasons. One of the ways to treat them would be by sclerotherapy. This involves inserting a solution through a tiny needle into your veins. This would cause inflammation inside the vessel and would lead to the closure of the vessel. With the restriction of blood flow, these veins become invisible and fade in about two to three weeks. If the veins still remain after sclerotherapy, you could use laser therapy. This can also be your first option if the veins are small. Both these procedures could be slightly painful, though the discomfort won't last long. One of the side effects of these treatments could be that smaller veins could replace larger veins and these could look worse than the former ones.

You could also try various other methods at home to reduce these veins or also prevent newer ones from forming. The most important thing here is to exercise on a regular basis. Walking or jogging is best for people who are prone to spider veins. Do not sit cross-legged; always keep your legs straight. You could place your legs on a chair in a way that they would rest above your hip level. This would help alleviate spider veins. Avoid wearing high heel as much as you can, go for sneakers or flat sandals. Moving around a little is also effective. Standing in one place for a long period restricts the blood flow and could worsen the situation. You could also try heat therapy massages or rub natural oils like tree oil and lavender. All in all, any kind of color change or purple skin could also be symptoms of a serious disease; therefore, before trying something by yourself you should get some professional help.

answered by G M

If you are suspicious of an allergic reaction caused due to any skin related products that you are currently using or have recently started to use, avoid contact with them for a while to see if there is a difference in the discoloration. If the purple stains start to ebb away, there is a chance you are allergic to those products.

Minutely check your daily diet to see if you are allergic to any of the ingredients you are unwittingly consuming. Diet control is largely in your hands. If there is any food you consider has a negative outcome on your skin, avert it and examine your skin to see the reaction. If there is a change in the appearance of color on your skin and you feel it clearing up, you may possibly have a food allergy.

Spread on a sunscreen with at least a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 - 20. Coating a thin layer of a sunscreen goes a long way in reducing the skin discoloration. Also use waterproof sunscreen before a swim. Always put sunscreen around 20 minutes before heading out in the sun, this gives the skin a chance to absorb into the skin's outer layer.

answered by C B

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