how can i reduce the redness in my skin using a home remedie

Nearly all uncomplicated rashes tend to go away with a basic combination of mild skin care and trying to fend off bothersome substances that worsen the situation.

Do not try to scrub the redness away. Instead of using your regular soap to wash, use a soft un-scented cleanser if the area needs cleansing, however these must be used as sparingly as possible. While using water take care not to use hot water, use warm water and pat dry the skin with a tissue rather than a towel, which may prove to be harsh to the affected area. While bathing use lukewarm water and use a non-perfumed moisturizer post bath to soften the skin. Excessive drying can also cause the skin to dry up and exacerbate the infection.

Calamine medicated lotion applied overnight on the red patch of skin will ease the discomfort and soothe any inflammation if present. Try to stay out of the heat and cover the patch with a cool cotton cloth or wear comfortable loose clothing, if you have to stay outdoors for a long period of time. At best it would be advisable not to indulge in activity that induces perspiration as that can be a factor of further irritation.

answered by C B

  • Avoid exposing yourself to direct sunlight and keep away from hot water.
  • Apply cod liver oil or Aloe Vera gel to your skin at least 3 or 4 times a day. Slit a leaf of Aloe Vera leaf and rub the opened part on your skin, leave it for some time n then wash it off with cold water.
  • Open up a capsule of vitamin E oil and apply it on your skin two times a day.
  • Eat vitamin C capsules or include foods which contain vitamin C and zinc in your diet.
  • Make some solution of baking powder in water and apply it on your skin once a day.
  • Massage some olive oil on our skin every night before going off to sleep. It will keep your skin lubricated and restore its color.
  • Pour 1 cup of raw oatmeal in your bathtub and soak in it for at least 15 minutes daily till the redness reduces.
  • While taking bath, do not scrub your skin. Avoid itching or scratching your skin n use mild soap n face/body wash.
  • You can add 1 tsp of antibacterial lotion to your bathwater and have the last bath with it.
  • Let your skin be aired properly. Wear comfortable cotton clothes and undergarments.

answered by D D

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