Natural treatment for warts on scrotum

Wart is a kind of viral infection that appears as rough and irregular bumps. They appear and vanish on their own, though some of them stay forever. Warts fail to spread by touching or through the air, but genital warts are contagious and require immediate attention. Plantar warts are also infectious. They are seen to occur on the soles of the feet. They are generally seen to originate after the visit to a swimming pool, bath rooms or locker rooms. Drying the feet is an effective remedy, as virus fails to grow devoid of moisture. Small, white warts are also seen on the lips. Placing wood ash provides relief. Apply aloe vera gel on the wart and place a cotton ball and cover with a gauze. Change the cotton everyday and apply the gel. The warts fall in a few days. Application of undiluted cider vinegar helps in falling of warts, in course of time. A solution of baking soda with water is applied thrice a day. Stubborn plantar warts are removed by placing the inner side of a banana peel.

answered by Dr C

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